mercredi 17 mai 2023

La Fontaine (The Crow)

La Fontaine, The Crow and the Fox

Master Crow perched on a tree,

Was holding a cheese in his beak.

Master Fox attracted by the smell

Said something like this :

"Well, Hello Mister Crow !

How beautiful you are! how nice you seem to me !

Really, if your voice

Is like your plumage,

You are the phoenix of all the inhabitants of these woods."

At these words, the Crow is overjoyed.

And in order to show off his beautiful voice,

He opens his beak wide, lets his prey fall

The Fox grabs it, and says: "My good man,

Learn that every flatterer

Lives at the expense of the one who listens to him.

This lesson, whitout doubt, is well worth a cheese."

The Crow, ashamed and embarrassed,

Swore, but a little late, that he would not be taken again. 

(trad. Camille Chevalier-Karfis)